
No-name's Adventure: Reloaded 5

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No-name’s Adventure: Reloaded 5
The Beamsword and the Scarf

No-name’s Team and Robina’s Expedition traveled through the forest, getting ready to defeat the beasts that were blocking the bridge, which prevented the Avaro Tribe from reaching the other side of the river in order to hunt. Asteroid led the way, with the rest trailing behind him.
“How strong could these things be though?” Ryzo Rox asked.
“The tribe leader said that they can’t feel pain.” Spellcaster spoke.
“Still,” he commented. “With all of us combined, plus No-name and Robina, how could we lose?”
“And we have that Asteroid fellow too!” added Meta-Bat.
No-name shook his head. “Don’t let your guards down. Avaro’s entire tribe couldn’t beat even one.”
Robina shouted to Asteroid. “Hey, Asteroid! How many monsters are there on the bridge?”
“The last time we attempted to cross, there were two.” Asteroid explained. “Who knows how many there are now?”
“Is there any particular reason why they hang around the bridge?” asked Locrian, “It just seems a little odd that these monsters continuously choose to prevent your tribe from crossing the river, even when you don’t hunt them.”
“We’ve never hunted them before.” Sighed Asteroid, “And we couldn’t even if we wanted to. They’re too strong as it is.”
“Too much complaining…” growled Aeolian. “Let’s just kill this thing and move on…”
Asteroid suddenly halted. “We’re here.” He pointed outward at a massive, wooden bridge made out of logs. It extended all the way across a very wide river with an unknown depth. True to his words, there were two very large creatures lying down on top of the bridge. They looked like massive gorillas, but had huge jaws with pointed teeth.
“Those things are huge!” cried Eye Root. “Even for me!”
As the group approached the monsters, No-name noticed that their eyes were open. They were staring at the group, but not moving. No-name held out his beamsword and stopped the group.
“Hold on.” No-name spoke. “Look. Those things are awake. They can clearly see us.”
Robina nodded. “Maybe they’re studying us?”
Spellcaster’s book began to glow. “Well, it’s impossible to gauge their abilities if they’re just going to lay down and do nothing.”
“Maybe they can talk?” Xepian asked. She shouted to them. “Hey! Can you guys understand us?”
The monsters did not budge. Asteroid shook his head. “Well, either way, they’re blocking our path.” He drew his two spears. As soon as he did that, the monsters’ eyes turned bright red. They stood up and roared loudly. The force of their roar knocked all of them backwards, back onto the land, off the bridge.
“Well, you just made them really angry…” grumbled Robina.
No-name turned to Asteroid. “You’ve fought them before. What are they doing right now?”
Asteroid gripped his spear. “They’re about to shoot a laser from their mouth.”
At that moment, a large light emitted from one of the monster’s mouth. A huge laser shot outward at the group. Robina rushed forward in front of the group. Her scarf glowed bright blue, and it shot forward in front of her, absorbing the laser and protecting the group.
“Good reflexes.” No-name commented.
Robina smirked. “Well, it looks like these things can put up a fight.”
No-name glanced at the monsters, which were both snarling in anger at the failed attack. No-name ignited his beamsword and stood besides Robina. “Well, now they’re really angry.” He switched to his Fire Beamsword and shot a fireball outward at the monsters, but they dodged it with incredible speed.
“They’re fast too?” cried Earthquake.
Xepian walked forward and stood beside her father. “It’s going to take all of us.”
“Master Xepian.” Gauntlet, Gimlet and Goblet spoke to her. “We’ll be sitting this battle out, to not get in your way, if that’s all right with you?”
Xepian smiled. “Of course.”
One of the beasts suddenly spoke to the other beast. “Hey, look at that. It’s that one tribal warrior.”
“He’s brought some friends as well.” The beasts snarled.
No-name held his beamsword steady. “So you guys can talk.”
“Of course we can talk!” the beast snarled. “Who the hell do you think we are?”
“Why are you blocking the bridge?” asked Robina.
“This is our home.” They responded. “We’re trolls!”
“You aren’t trolls.” Robina shook her head. “If anything, you’re more like gorillas.”
“What the hell are ‘gorillas’?” the beast growled. “We’re trolls!”
At that moment, three more “trolls” approached the bridge behind them. They carried huge clubs in their hands.
“You guys got names?” asked No-name.
“Yeah.” One of the beasts stepped forward. He was darker than the others. “My name is Big Guns. I’m the leader of our group. These are my brothers: Tank, Muscle, Olaf, and Trollaf.”
“Did he just say ‘Trollaf’?” Aeolian hissed. “Who are these guys?”
“We already said we’re trolls!” they snarled. “Are you not listening to us?”
“Alright, let’s end this comedy skit now.” No-name sighed. “Asteroid and his tribe wishes to hunt on the other side of the river, and it appears that you guys have been preventing them from doing so.”
“Does he now?” Big Guns asked. “Because, the last time we remembered, the stupid band of warriors were using the other side of the river for hunting our kind!”
Asteroid stepped forward in defense. “That’s not true. Our tribe does not hunt you guys.”
The trolls snarled in fury. “He lies!”
Asteroid shouted back. “We haven’t! I haven’t hunted a single troll in my entire life!”
“Maybe you haven’t.” Big Guns snarled. “But that doesn’t mean the rest of your tribe is off the hook either.”
Robina turned to Asteroid. “Something’s not adding up here. One side is lying here.”
“We’re not lying!” Big Guns snarled. “Why do you think there are only five of us here? The rest of our kind has been pushed to the opposite side of the river. We have to guard this bridge to protect our species.”
“Sounds like Avaro has some explaining to do.” Xepian shrugged.
Asteroid frowned. “This doesn’t make any sense.”
“We’re going to go back and investigate.” No-name spoke.
Big Guns nodded. “Very well. We shall remain here until then.”
The group began backtracking towards the Avaro Tribe camp. Asteroid walked slowly, clearly pondering over the information he just learned.
“What’s troubling you?” No-name walked next to him.
Asteroid shook his head. “It…it just doesn’t make sense. Avaro hunting the trolls?”
“I mean, we won’t know until we hear both sides of the story.” Xepian spoke.
“It kind of makes sense though.” Replied Robina. “I mean, think about it. What is stopping those trolls from just coming over here and finishing your tribe off? Something must be happening behind the scenes.”
Spellcaster spoke up. “I will use my powers to verify any suspicions.”
Ryzo Rox growled. “Why didn’t you just do that when we got to camp?”
“Well, it simply didn’t occur to me that we would encounter an untrustworthy character right off the bat.” Answered Spellcaster.
“Aren’t you supposed to be the visionary?” Earthquake growled. “This is your sole on the expedition!”
“My apologies.” Spellcaster lowered her head.
No-name smirked. “Relax. We’ll get to the bottom of this as a group. The only one who potentially should be blamed is Avaro, and even then, we won’t know until we get to camp.”
After a few more minutes of walking, the group finally made it back to the camp. Avaro approached them, “Did you defeat them already?”
“Actually, we came to get some answers.” Robina spoke.
“Like what?”
Before she could talk, Asteroid rushed at Avaro and grabbed him around the neck. Some of the other tribe members aimed their spears at him.
“Well, I guess that’s one way to get answers…” Ionian shrugged.
Asteroid snarled. “Has our tribe been hunting those trolls?”
“What are you talking about?” Avaro asked. He pried Asteroid’s hands off of his neck.
“The beasts! They told us that you were hunting them! Is that true or not?”
Avaro snarled. “You honestly are going to believe anything those beasts said to you?”
“The facts do suggest otherwise.” Robina spoke. “There are no beasts anywhere on this side of the river.”
“Not to mention they only attacked us when we drew our weapons first.” Added No-name, “If they were as hostile as you said, they would’ve shot us with their laser mouths.”
“We don’t hunt trolls.” Avaro spoke.
Spellcaster’s book flashed. She shook her head. “It says otherwise…”
The others turned to Avaro. “Care to explain yourself?”
Avaro shook his head. “You must be mistaken. We don’t hunt trolls.”
The book flashed again. Spellcaster shook her head once more. “Liar…”
Asteroid grabbed Avaro and threw him to the floor. Two of the tribe members advanced towards him, but No-name and Xepian ignited their beamswords, blocking their paths.
“Don’t interfere.” No-name warned.
Asteroid grabbed Avaro around the neck. “You lied to us!”
“I’m not lying.” Avaro growled.
“Dude, we have a lie detector right here.” Robina motioned to Spellcaster. “Enough with the lies.”
Asteroid drew his spears and aimed them downward at Avaro. “Why are we hunting the trolls? They’re powerful.”
Avaro growled at him. “Are you kidding me? Trolls are the stupidest creatures in the universe. Their skins make good shelter and clothes for us, and they are really fun to hunt anyway.”
“Wait…” Xepian asked. “How have you guys been losing tribe members?”
“Some of the tribe members have caught on.” Avaro spoke. “They had to be dealt with. So, instead of me killing them, I simply had them travel to the bridge to deal with the trolls.”
No-name switched to his Steel Beamsword and aimed it at Avaro. “So you’re a liar and a murderer.”
Suddenly, there was a loud roar. No-name and the others turned around. Big Guns, Tank, Muscle, Olaf, and Trollaf approached the camp, each one carrying a club.
“Sorry to interrupt you guys.” Big Guns spoke. “We wanted to go check on you guys and see what you found.”
“That seems kind of dangerous.” Robina replied. “What if we found out bad stuff about you?”
“Oh…” Big Guns muttered. “Hadn’t thought of that. Well, what have you found?”
“It looks like you guys were right.” Answered No-name. “Avaro here was hunting your kind as you said.”
Big Guns snarled and nodded. “Very good.”
Asteroid shook his head. “Why?”
Avaro grumbled. “I told you why.”
Asteroid turned around. “I…I want you gone from the tribe. This is unacceptable.”
He began walking away. Avaro suddenly leapt to his feet and raised his fist, preparing to strike at Asteroid. No-name reacted faster, lashing out his Steel Beamsword and smashing it into Avaro, cracking many of his bones and knocking him to the floor.
Avaro screamed in pain. “You stupid snake!”
No-name sighed. “Sorry. I overestimated your bone strength. My apologies.”
Big Guns reached forward and picked Avaro up by his feet. “Well, seeing as you are no longer the tribe leader, the trolls have some unfinished business to take care of.”
“We don’t usually eat people.” Olaf spoke.
“But, we can make an exception this time.” Muscle spoke.
Big Guns turned to No-name and nodded his head. “Thanks for helping us out. It really means a lot to us.”
No-name smiled. “My pleasure.”
The trolls left the camp. Robina turned to the other Avaro Tribe members. “Well, you are all leaderless now. Sorry about that.”
“Nah, it’s cool.” One of the tribe members spoke. “Avaro was going to retire anyway.”
Robina nodded. “Well, Spellcaster. Have you gathered enough data about this planet?”
She nodded. “Affirmative.”
“Good.” Robina turned to No-name and his team. “Let’s start heading back to the Ascending Dragon.”
“We’re leaving already?” asked Xepian.
Robina nodded. “We have enough data. We will be setting off to the next planet.”
No-name spoke up. “Actually, I’m going to go talk to the trolls quickly.”
“What for?” asked Earthquake.
“I want to ask them something.” Replied No-name.
“Very well.” Robina spoke. “We’ll go back to the ship. Meet us there quickly.”
“I will.”
“Do you need a tracking pad?” asked Ryzo Rox.
“No, I remember the way.” He assured them. “I won’t be long…”
He dashed off into the forest. Robina turned to No-name’s Team. “Alright, so you guys will be coming with us then.”
“Where’d Asteroid go?” asked King Cobra.
“Wasn’t he just here?” asked Phrygian.
Robina shrugged. “He probably wanted to go get some breathing space. Let him be.”
The members said farewell to the Avaro Tribe before leaving the camp.

No-name rushed through the forest, hoping to catch up with the trolls. He eventually saw them up ahead, trudging slowly through the forest.
“Big Guns!” No-name shouted.
The troll turned around and stared at No-name. “Ah, the snake. What was your name again?”
No-name bowed to them. “My name is No-name.”
“’No-name’, huh?” Big Guns scratched his head. “That name sounds familiar.”
“I’m the Legend of the Universe.”
Big Guns shrugged. “Well, I don’t know what that is, but as far as we’re concerned, you’re okay in my book.” The trolls bowed to him. “Thank you for helping us out.”
“I mean, I didn’t really do anything.” No-name shrugged.
“You ruined my life, that’s what you did!” Avaro snarled.
Big Guns threw his arms down, smashing Avaro into the ground and knocking him unconscious. He turned to No-name. “What’s up?”
“I was actually hoping…that you and I could have a quick little battle.” No-name replied.
“Battle?” asked Big Guns.
“Yes.” No-name replied. “Not to the death or anything. I just want to test my strength with the supposed creatures who feel no pain.”
Big Guns laughed. “Do you now? So be it! I haven’t had a good fight in a long time!” He handed Avaro to Muscle and flexed his muscles. “So, what’ll the rules be?”
“Mercy rule?”
“Sure.” Big Guns replied.
No-name ignited his beamsword and switched to his Steel Beamsword. He aimed it at Big Guns. Big Guns lashed out his club and smirked. “After you, Mr. Legend.”
No-name leaped into the air and swung his beamsword. Big Guns tried to smash him with his club, but No-name read the attack and blocked it with his beamsword.
“Hmm, you’re fast.” Big Guns remarked.
“And you’re really strong.” No-name swung his beamsword around a bit. “Is it true you don’t feel pain?”
“Ehh, it’s more of a myth than anything.” Big Guns shrugged. “We’re just really durable.”
No-name dodged as Big Guns shot a laser from his mouth. He shot again, but No-name decided to reflect it instead. It shot back at Big Guns, who was launched backwards and smashed into a tree.
“Oh, that hurt a bit.” Big Guns grumbled. “I haven’t seen an actual good Beamsword user in a long time!”
No-name shrugged. “I guess I’m okay.”
Big Guns laughed. “You’re modest, Mr. No-name. I like you. You should stop by here again if you’re ever visiting the Fios Galaxy.”
No-name smiled. “Of course.”
Big Guns motioned to the trolls, who waved farewell to No-name before leaving. No-name smiled, pleased that he was able to at least hold his own against the supposed stronger creatures on the planet.
“That was really cool, No-name!”
No-name turned around. Asteroid was approaching him. No-name smirked. “You were watching the battle?”
“I hid up in the trees.” Asteroid spoke. “I saw you going towards the trolls, and I was about to go ask you, but then you guys talked of a battle, and I wanted to see your skills.”
No-name grinned. “Well, I hope it entertained you.”
“It was incredible!” Asteroid exclaimed. “I’ve never seen anyone fight like that!”
“Thank you.”
Asteroid shuffled his feet. “Actually, I wanted to ask you something.”
“Sure.” Replied No-name. “What is it?”
Asteroid spoke up. “Well, I wanted to know how to join your team.”
“You want to join?”
“I would like to.” Asteroid replied. “If it’s all right with you? Hopefully you have some extra slots on your team.”
No-name smiled. “Of course, Asteroid.”
“Good!” he replied. “What’s the process? Do I have to prove myself to you?”
“Nope.” No-name replied. “Welcome to the team!”
Asteroid smiled. “Thank you…actually, I was hoping to ask you one more thing.”
“You had someone else you wanted to bring with you?” No-name remarked.
Asteroid nodded, impressed by his guess. “Wow…yes, I did actually. How did you…how did you know?”
“A lot of people have asked me in the past to join them.” Replied No-name. “I had a feeling it was something along those lines.”
Asteroid sighed. “I would like my wife to accompany us, if that’s all right with you?”
“Sure.” Replied No-name.
“Great!” Asteroid bowed to him. “Thank you so much. I will continue to prove myself to be a great addition to your team.”
No-name grinned. “I know you will!”
“Would you mind accompanying me to the camp to fetch her?” asked Asteroid.
The two of them made their way back to the Avaro Tribe camp. The other tribe members waved at No-name, curious as to why he was there alone.
“Your team already left.” One of the tribe members spoke.
“I know.” No-name answered. “We’re on our way now.”
Asteroid nodded. “I will be leaving with No-name to go explore the universe.”
The other tribe members looked at each other. “Are you sure? Avaro’s gone. You could be the leader of the tribe.”
Asteroid shook his head. “I want to go exploring with the strongest fighter in the universe. And that’s this guy right here.”
No-name grinned. “I’ll take good care of him.”
They nodded. “Be safe. And good luck!”
“Thank you!” Asteroid waved at them before leading No-name into one of the huts. A young, female woman was sleeping soundly in a bed made out of grass and dirt. Asteroid bent down and caressed her face.
“Babydoll.” He whispered. “Wake up.”
She groaned and opened her eyes. “Asteroid…what are you doing? I just fell asleep.”
“I got the okay from No-name.” he smiled. “We’re good to go.”
“Really?” she asked. “He actually let us on his team?”
Asteroid nodded. “He’s here right now.” He stepped to the side. No-name bowed to her.
She gasped. “Oh my god! You’re actually here!”
“Sorry if I startled you.” No-name spoke. “Asteroid tells me that you two desire to explore the universe with me.”
“That would be awesome!” she replied. “My name is Babydoll. I’m Asteroid’s wife.”
“I’ve heard.” No-name extended his tail and shook her hand. “Pleasure to meet you.”
“Would you mind waiting outside for a second?” asked Babydoll. “I’m not really dressed underneath this blanket.”
“No problem.” No-name exited the hut and waited for a few moments. Sure enough, Asteroid and Babydoll emerged. Babydoll wore a white animal skin top that covered her breasts, but exposed her abdomen. She wore a white skirt made of large bird feathers. She too had feathers on her head, which popped out through her black hair.
“Ready?” asked No-name.
The two of them nodded. “Lead the way!”
The three of them began making their way back to the Ascending Dragon. The others were busy preparing the ship. Robina spotted No-name and approached him.
“It’s about time you got back.” Robina shouted. “We were wondering what took you so long.”
“I brought some newcomers to No-name’s Team.” No-name spoke. “Asteroid and Babydoll.”
Robina sighed. “So, you’re just admitting newcomers into my ship without a confirmation from the captain herself?”
No-name smirked. “Well, I figured since it’s my team, I could admit whoever I want.”
Asteroid spoke up. “We’d really like to accompany No-name and his team, if that’s all right with you.”
Robina smiled. “Of course. I suppose if No-name sees something in you, then you must be special!”
Babydoll smiled. “We will prove our worthiness, don’t worry.”
No-name spoke. “I’m not worried.”
“Go aboard and talk with Ryzo Rox.” Replied Robina. “He’ll show you around.”
“Okay.” Asteroid and Babydoll walked up the ramp to the ship. Robina turned to No-name. “So, you went to go challenge the trolls to a fight, huh?”
“I did.” No-name replied. “They are formidable fighters.”
“I only know that because I was wondering about your whereabouts and Spellcaster informed me of your location.”
No-name nodded. “They are strong. I was able to hold my own.”
“Oh, good!” Robina smirked. “At least you’re not totally useless in combat.”
No-name frowned. “Excuse me?”
Robina grinned. “I think it’s time we duel again, No-name. You seem to have learned a great deal about your capabilities as a fighter.”
No-name shrugged. “I don’t think I learned that much actually.”
“Well, we’ll see about that…” Robina smirked. “Now, let’s get off this planet already. We’ve got a universe to explore!”
The two of them climbed into the Ascending Dragon. It lifted off the ground and hovered in the air a bit before blasting off into space.
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