
Origins Radio Network - #RedHotFlamethrower

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Origins Radio Network

Welcome back to Origins Radio Network. My name is Vibravo Maximum, and we are gonna have a fantastic night as usual. You’ve seen some pretty awesome guests on our show, and today is no different. Tonight’s theme is The Order of Nightmare. And let’s dive right in!

My guest tonight is one of the oldest core members of The Order of Nightmare. He’s a massive fire-breathing dragon. He’s the color of a shiny red Ferrari, and he’s pretty tough to boot. I love him! Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the show Flamethrower!
Vibravo: Welcome to the show, Flamethrower. Such an honor to have you with us.
Flamethrower: Oh, it’s good to be here, man! How’s the show going?
Vibravo: Really great, thanks! I like being a host, and I like meeting all you guys!
Flamethrower: Well, I really appreciate your hard work. You seem to put a lot of effort into your shows, and it’s very much appreciated.
Vibravo: Thank you. I appreciate your kind comments.
Flamethrower: Actually, The Order of Nightmare in general really likes your show.
Vibravo: Oh, is that so?
Flamethrower: Yeah, man. I don’t know about Lustrous or Luminous, but a majority of the core members like watching your show.
Vibravo: Well, I’m super flattered. Props to them!
Flamethrower: Can I ask you something? Who is your favorite deputy? And while we’re at it, who’s your least favorite one?
Vibravo: Ooh, that’s a tough one. Are we just limiting it to the known deputies?
Flamethrower: Sure. And let’s exclude Lustrous and Luminous from this, even though they were former deputies as well.
Vibravo: Okay, well for me personally, I like Universa. She was a pretty badass deputy. As for my least, I would say Myrixa. I don’t know, I just didn’t really feel anything close with her.
Flamethrower: Aww, you’re one of the Myrixa-haters too?
Vibravo: What? No! I don’t hate her…she’s just not my favorite.
Flamethrower: Oh, well good. A lot of people really didn’t like Myrixa as a deputy. I think that’s probably why she committed suicide.
Vibravo: Really? She committed suicide. I thought she just overdoesd on drugs.
Flamethrower: It’s the same thing, man. She overdosed because she felt unwanted. And I’ll admit, I wasn’t too fond of her either, but I certainly didn’t expect or want her to kill herself. She was appointed deputy for a reason.
Vibravo: I was shocked as much as you were.
Flamethrower: Lustrous and Luminous were pretty devastated. You may not have known it, because it’s not shared in the stories, but the two of them changed a bit. I know they were against suicide in the first place, but after that incident, they’ve taken a huge step into fighting it.
Vibravo: Really?
Flamethrower: Lustrous and Luminous are taking big steps into making sure the people they induct feel wanted and important.
Vibravo: That’s really nice. Actually, one of my friends committed suicide when I was a kid, and I was devastated for the longest time. It…it really hit me hard.
Flamethrower: Oh, man. I’m sorry to hear that. It sucks being unwanted, but it also sucks knowing there’s nothing you can do.
Vibravo: Yeah.
Flamethrower: Well, at least you have that news girl in your life. She seems nice.
Vibravo: Yeah, Yaleia’s pretty nice. I hope things work.
Flamethrower: What do you mean? Are things getting rough already?
Vibravo: Ehh, it’s not really that. Sometimes I just doubt my ability to make her happy.
Flamethrower: Yeah, I know what you mean. Sorry, I’ve been taking up a lot of this interview. Is there stuff you wanted to ask me?
Vibravo: Uhh, well, you could let me know your favorite and least favorite deputy.
Flamethrower: I like Persuadere. She was always chipper and excited to do things. On the other hand, I wasn’t too fond of Vixen. She was too immature.
Vibravo: Have you ever though of applying for deputy?
Flamethrower: Not really. I don’t really want to go through the leadership academy. Plus, I’m happy serving Lustrous and Luminous as a core member.
Vibravo: Are you sure? You seem to have the most amount of experience in the ranks.
Flamethrower Yeah, I’m sure.
Vibravo: Alright. Well, Flamethrower, it was a pleasure having you on the show. Is there anything else you’d like to say before we close things up here?
Flamethrower: I came with some information on Universal Heroes, if you’d like to hear it.
Vibravo: Hell yeah I would!
Flamethrower: Lustrous and Luminous are gonna play a pretty important role in this one. I mean, they always do, but this time is different. No-name and the heroes take more of a soldier role, while Lustrous and Luminous assume the main character roles.
Vibravo: Well, you did a great job of being super vague about the story plot. I still don’t know much about it.
Flamethrower: Umm, let’s see. The Twilight Realm will be in this story again.
Vibravo: Oh really? I thought they were cool.
Flamethrower: Yeah.
Vibravo: Well, that concludes our interview. Thank you so much for appearing on the show, Flamethrower. I look forward to seeing you again soon.
Flamethrower: Take care, man!

Up next, I’d like to do something different. I’d like to talk a little about suicide, and this will coincide well with my interview with Flamethrower. As you may or may not know, suicide is a terrible thing. It impacts everyone around you, and what they say about it is true. It is a cowardly way to go.
For those of you who think no one loves you, or who have suicidal thoughts, I speak directly to you. You don’t know what it’ll be like for your loved ones. Think of your parents, who brought/raised you. How do you think they would feel if you were to end your life? What would they say at the next family reunion, when you’re noticeably absent? What will your friends do when you’re gone? Is ending your suffering worth passing that suffering onto your friends and family?
I experienced this firsthand, when I was 14. One of my close friends committed suicide, and I failed to see the signs. Do you know how devastated I was? I cried for the longest time, wondering if I could’ve stopped him from doing that. I wanted more than anything for my best friend to come back, just so we could hang out one more time. I wanted to see his face, and let him know that I needed him in my life. I couldn’t handle myself, and it ruined me for a while. My mom and dad were devastated too, because they knew that nothing they could’ve said would make me feel any better.
I know times are tough. Things can get to you, and maybe life looks bad, but you need to hang in there. You have to be strong about this. Of course it’s sad! No one wants to be depressed. No one wants to feel anxiety, and no one certainly wants to be struggling. But I guarantee you that nothing is greater than being alive. It sucks to struggle, I know. But it also sucks to be helpless for the people who struggle. I know you may think this is coming out of nowhere, but that’s how strongly I feel about suicide. I’m sorry if you disagree, or what I said won’t change your mind. But if you are reading this, and you’re thinking of killing yourself or know someone who plans to, please reconsider or help them. Please…

Alright, and finally, for our “Ally of the Week”, we’ll take a look at Flamethrower, who’s gotten a pretty good buff between installments. He’s a heavyweight, and he’s about the size of Armagon. So, he’s a very easy target to hit.
Flamethrower specializes in hard hits. He’s very, very easy to kill with. His moves are super slow, and they have massive amounts of end lag, but they’re strong. He’s one of the strongest fighters in the game now, on par with Stellarlite, Boom, and of course, Armagon. I don’t think Flamethrower’s that good in my personal opinion. His worst matchup is Axis, who is probably the best character in the game right now. And that’s a problem for a couple of reasons.
Flamethrower has additional jumps, and he can manage well in the air. He’s slow in the air. His range is pretty good also. Having such a huge frame means his standard attacks go a bit farther than others. He also has one of the better Special Abilities that’s an actual move. It’s called Fireball, and it literally travels across the screen. It’s also his means of fighting zoning and projectile heavy characters, like Torture Droid and Quiora. His other Special Abiltiy is a passive one. It’s called Dragon Rage. It basically increases his attack power and the cost of defense. Basically, he become even stronger, but lighter as well. It’s situational, which is why I don’t like it.
His biggest flaw by far though is his speed. He’s too slow, and it becomes more apparent when fighting the fast characters. Voltage gives him a very hard time, along with Espionage and Necria. And for smaller characters like Venom and Holy, they’re able to just duck underneath most of his attacks. It’s so frustrating to play as Flamethrower. They fixed him in this installment, but he’s still not optimal. I would advise against playing him…unless you’re a huge fan of giant red dragons…
Special Ability I: Fireball
Special Ability II: Dragon Rage
Mega Ability: Flame Pillar

And that concludes our show! Tune in next week for another exciting episode of ORN. It’ll be a blast! Vibravo signing out!
A new episode of ORN is up, late. It was supposed to be posted yesterday, but to respect those who died in 9/11, and those who lost their lives because we went to the wrong country, we held off on it.
Anyway, Vibravo interviews one of the oldest core members of The Order of Nightmare, Flamethrower. He does a special PSA on suicide. Finally, he does the "Ally of the Week", featuring Flamethrower.

This episode is different from the rest. The suicide portion reflects my actual thoughts on it. For those of you who don't know, I am a HUGE advocate against suicide. It sucks. I know friends who have their loved ones commit suicide, and I know firsthand as one of my friends committed suicide a while back. I encourage you to review your options before taking your life. Above all else, we here at T.O.O.N. care very deeply about this matter, and will do whatever we can to make sure you stay alive. 
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